The Supreme Level Up System

Chapter 387 Escaping

As the group\'s conversation around the campfire concluded, they prepared to settle down for the night. The atmosphere was calm, with a gentle breeze rustling the leaves above and the crackling fire providing a comforting glow. However, as darkness enveloped the forest, a strange and unsettling aura began to permeate the air.

They noticed a subtle shift in the sounds of the forest. The usual chorus of nocturnal creatures seemed muted, replaced by an eerie silence that hung heavily around them. The once familiar rustling of leaves and the chirping of insects were noticeably absent, creating an uncanny stillness that sent a shiver down their spines.

The group exchanged concerned glances, their earlier confidence now tinged with unease. The shadows seemed to deepen and elongate, casting distorted shapes that played tricks on their eyes. Strange wisps of fog appeared, winding their way through the trees, adding an ethereal quality to the surroundings.

"Something is off…" Ailen furrowed his eyebrows and grabbing his bow.

Siora, feeling restless and curious, decided to leave the comfort of the hut and venture into the surrounding area. Stepping out into the open, she took a deep breath, inhaling the cool night air, and let her senses guide her exploration.

As she moved with purpose, her footsteps were almost silent, blending seamlessly with the natural sounds of the night. Her eyes adjusted to the dim light, allowing her to navigate through the shadows. With each step, she scanned her surroundings, keenly observant of any signs or anomalies in the environment.

"They are here… I wonder if they are looking for me or you all," Siora said while furrowing her eyebrows.

"It doesn\'t matter either way…" Ailen said while grabbing some arrows from his quiver. "I will check the area ahead and scout the number of enemies, don\'t move from here."

Malon wanted to go and help his friend, but his armor would make too much noise. Besides, he knew that Ailen could be in the dark forest without making any noise. He definitely was the best person for the job.

Ailen, recognizing the need for caution and reconnaissance, took on the role of scouting the area ahead in the dark forest. With his keen senses and honed instincts, he moved silently through the underbrush, his steps barely making a sound.

Navigating through the dense foliage, Ailen\'s eyes adjusted to the limited light, allowing him to navigate the shadows with ease. He felt a sense of foreboding as he cautiously advanced as if an invisible force warned her of an imminent threat.

Peering through the foliage, Ailen\'s eyes widened as he saw what lay before her—a formidable army of human soldiers marching in a disciplined formation. Their armor gleamed dully in the moonlight, and their banners fluttered ominously in the breeze. It was evident that they were heading towards Siora\'s house, their intentions clear and dangerous.

Ailen\'s mind raced as he considered her options. He knew she had to act swiftly to warn her companions and prepare for a potential confrontation. Silently, he retreated from his concealed position, expertly retracing his steps back towards the hut where the rest of the group awaited.

"Humans, five hundred of them," Ailen told the others as soon as he returned with a haggard breath. "I would say that they don\'t know that we are here… otherwise, the dark knight would be here as well, or someone closely troublesome."

"As expected, he is making moves on his own and Told the ruler of this time to hunt Siora…" Ervan said while rubbing his chin. "We can\'t afford to face so many enemies, and it will wear us down on the journey ahead. You need to come with us, Siora. You can start your life elsewhere. Since you have been living here for too long, the enemies know that you are here. You don\'t have to fight alongside us, but you need to survive."

"And eventually become a weapon for people like you to use my supposedly father?" Siora asked. "Yeah, no thanks."

"Would you rather die here, then?" Ailen asked. "I have seen cockroaches that have more willpower than you."

"Emotional Damage," Aion thought.

"Ailen…" Malon said and then sighed.

"We don\'t have time for this," Vaeral said while seeing some lights of torches in the distance. "I would rather leave the heroics in the hands of the young and naive ones of the group, but I am also a gentleman, so I can\'t let a lady die in front of me while I do nothing. Forgive me for my rudeness."

Vaeral used his wind magic to put Siora inside a wind sphere and then made it fly toward the distance in a crazy display of power. Everyone looked at each other in amazement… His control over the wind arts improved a lot in the last week.

"Let\'s get going, everyone," Vaeral said and then enveloped the others in thin wind armor. "This is the best that I can do for now."

Everyone nodded, and then they began to run. As the group ventured deeper into the forest, a sense of urgency also propelled the enemies forward. Determined to reach their destination swiftly, they tapped into their extraordinary abilities, donning the wind armor that covered their bodies.

With the wind armor harnessed, their forms became enveloped in a shimmering, translucent sheen. A powerful gust of wind surrounded them, lifting their hair and garments, their movements now facilitated by the extraordinary speed bestowed upon them.

The human army tried to chase the group without keeping their ranks, but it was useless. Even the not completely recovered Ervan could run three times faster than he was usually, and the others were even faster. It didn\'t take long for them to leave the forest and eventually find Siora, who welcomed them by attacking Vaeral by casting several massive iron fists.

Vaeral avoided them by using a blast of wind to backflip dozens of meters away from it. Without uttering a single word, Siora unleashed her magic, defying the conventional laws that bound spellcasting. The very essence of her being seemed to merge with the mystical forces that surrounded her, harmonizing in a breathtaking display of raw power and skill.

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